On being turned up and tuned in…
This is what Appetite Autonomy is all about. That you, really, TRULY, can eat whatever you desire. And that you, really, TRULY, get to desire whichever foods you want. This may include granola you made at home. Though perhaps it includes granola you buy at the store. Maybe you do less of the food shopping and it’s your partner who does it instead. Or, you live at home with your parents, or with friends. Possibly the most liberating part of food is that you decide, week to week, how you desire to crunch, taste and texture your mouth.
Possibly not.
Anything else? Well… that just isn’t a liberatory food experience. And if you aren’t eating for liberation, if you aren’t eating for yourself… who are you eating for? And can THAT be liberatory? It can sound like someone is talking in circles, but that’s the point. No one can decide what does or doesn’t work for you as an adult. So let’s make our own decisions and rock them. In an air fryer or not.
PS: never used an air fryer before? This is the one I love!

Air Fryer Gluten-free Granola
- 1 and 1/2 cups rolled oats gluten-free
- 1/2 cup walnuts
- 1/2 cup almonds chopped
- 1/2 cup hazelnuts
- 1/2 cup pumpkin seeds
- 1/2 cup cashews
- 1/4 cup maple syrup or honey
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
- 1 teaspoon cinnamon I LOVE Penzey’s!
- 1/2 teaspoon sea salt
- 1/2 cup dried cranberries or your favorite dried fruit or granola additions (flaked coconut, chocolate chips, etc.)
Preheat air fryer to 250 degrees.
Combine all ingredients except the cranberries in a large bowl—mix to combine evenly.
Place the granola mixture in the basket of the air fryer and cook for 30 minutes, stirring every 10 minutes.
When finished, take the warm granola and lay it out on a baking sheet or wooden cutting board (or clean countertop works, too!). Mix in the cranberries, or any other additions, at this point.
Allow to dry until room temperature, about 30 minutes.
Store in airtight containers.
Do you use roasted or raw nuts in this recipe?
Lucia Hawley
Hi Mandy! I use raw nuts 🙂