Ow ow! Watch this sauce, after a gentle slumber in your cool cupboard for a week, its unabashed essence of pepper hits you straight in the tastebud. Actually, every single one wakes up after a serving of this!
And actually blending the peppers will wake you the heck you, too. Breath while bent backwards, ok? Or cover the top of your food processor with a cloth and be careful when you take the lid off to quickly transfer the pepper to the mason jar. ALSO, do NOT use hot water. Use cold water! Hot water will release the spice to be able to waft up to your eyeballs. Crying will happen. I’ve warned you!

Fermented Hot Sauce
Prep Time 10 minutes
- 1 pound chiles of your liking I used small thai chiles from my local farmer's market
- 1 tablespoon brown sugar optional
- 1.5 tablespoons sea salt
- 1/4 cup filtered water
Chop green tops off all chiles.
Combine all ingredients in blender or food processor until texture is a loose paste--add more water if necessary.
Put chile paste in clean, sterilized quart size mason jar (allow one inch room between lid and mixture) and firmly screw on top
. Allow to ferment for five days dark cupboard.
Transfer mixture to fridge to store and use over the next year!