Sunshine, vitamin C and you.
Why, five pomegranates for five dollars?
This seems like an appropriate way to ring in the New Year! Sip and enjoy, friends. May your 2013 be way cool.
I’m updating this recipe in 2019 and I’m like… 2013??? Where does the time GO? Doesn’t matter! It goes into life, that’s it. I’m now living out in Portland, I wrote this recipe back before I had my dog, Hazel. Before I became a nutritional therapy practitioner, before I graduated with my Master’s in Social Work and after I had worked on the organic farm in Colorado.
Oh, life.
Who else has a path that unwinds itself at at its own pace? Tell me in the comments, I’d love to know. I’m here now pondering when I’ll be drinking homemade pomegranate juice next. 2021? Tomorrow? Let’s say tomorrow… I’m ready for a sale on these poms, world!

Homemade Pomegranate Juice
- 2 or more pomegranates each will provide roughly 1/2 cup juice, or about one serving
Fill a medium sized bowl with water.
Cut a large "X" into the top (where the flower used to be) of each pomegranate, taking care to cut only through the peel (skin? hull?) and not through the seeds.
Submerge in the water and begin to tear apart. This prevents seeds from staining and splattering at you as you work on them.
The seeds will sink to the bottom of the bowl and the pithy membrane will float.
Discard all white membrane, then strain the water from seeds.
Pick over and remove any discolored seeds and place in a blender. Puree for 20 seconds.
Strain into a large liquid measuring cup, pressing down on the obliterated seeds to extract all juice.
Serve immediately, chill or blend with other fresh juices (ginger and orange would be nice!).