Oh, chutney. C’mere.
While I’m sure we have more than a few weeks left of delightful, end of summer weather, the overcast sky and sudden lack of humidity in the air–in my opinion–begets the desire for warming, spicy foods. They’re dishes that straddle the divide between warm and cold weather fare. No more of that raw salad business, no, not on a day like today.
For little more than a few chops, your trend towards fall has begun… and it’s sweet, literally.
What else changes for you, with the seasons? Your mood? Or your heart? Perhap your needs, period. Any of it is valid–do you believe this? Or have you been told to stay static, month after month… quarter after quarter, year by year?

Tomato Chutney
- 1 tablespoon butter or oil of your choice such as olive or lard
- 1 pint tomatoes of your choosing I used multi-colored cherry tomatoes
- 1 medium onion sliced
- 2-4 tablespoons honey or maple syrup
- 1.5 teaspoons sea salt
- 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
- 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
Melt butter in a medium-size skillet over medium heat.
Add onions, stir and allow to cook for a few minutes.
While onions are softening, chop tomatoes (if cherry-size) in halves, quarters, thirds, whatever you see fit (I like the texture of cooked tomato skin, if you don't, I suggest you chop tomatoes into quarters).
Add tomatoes and remaining ingredients to the skillet. Cook over medium/medium-low heat for 35-45 minutes, stirring once in a while.
Chutney is done when most of the tomato juices have cooked off and you are left with a sticky and intense reduction.
Garnish with wild garlic flowers for fun if available.
Thanks for posting this! I will have to make a batch as it sounds delicious!
And once you do, let me know your thoughts!