Sprouted Spices

Mustard seeds. Delicious when fried in butter with other spices before making a curry, or dal, or anything needing a spicy blend. Impeccable when ground into mustard paste, spread over a favorite bite of salami, in a sandwich, or the key ingredient in a simple vinaigrette. Sprouted? So very easy (we’re talking with water in a jar with a screen for a top, rinsed every so often and left at an angle to drip until sprouted to your liking). Beware–sprouts are just as hot and peppery as any other mustard product! Though maybe that’s more of an invitation than a caution…

Sprouted Mustard Seeds
3 T mustard seeds, whole
filtered water

Place seeds in glass pint sized mason jar with a screened lid. Cover with water. Allow to soak for 8 hours, then flip jar place at an angle in a bowl and let water drain. Rinse seeds and repeat draining process every 2-8 hours for two days, or until seeds begin to sprout. Transfer mason jar to refrigerator. Seeds will keep one week.

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